Rapidly Growing Programming Languages According to Github

Year 2018, Github has seen increasing their attention towards safety and interoperability when selecting the best programming languages among bests. 


In this year Kotlin  ( Modern alternative for Java ) got 2.6x more contributors and HCL got 2.2x more contributors this year in comparison to last year. 

When talking about the 1st one Kotlin , google announced it was an officially supported language for building Android apps. Apart from Android apps, Kotlin is also used to build backend and server-side applications also. Those are some reasons to get this language at the top of the list.

Other Favorites 

There were some surprises in the Octoverse report‘s list of top languages,
the most contributors in public and private repositories, organizations of all sizes, and every region of the world are listed on below image. JavaScript is holding the position on top

with the fastest-growing projects headed up by the documentation for Microsoft’s Azure cloud platform.

So this is for every interested parties of programming world. learn the latest trending and growing programming language and it would be great for you to uplift yourself in programming career. 

Reference – Octovers github 

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